Monday, April 05, 2010

New in the Studio - Green Screen

We're now using a Green Screen backdrop in the studio! What this does is allow us to shoot traditional studio portraits, and later add whatever kind of backdrop we like!

At left is the shot we did of Jessica in the studio -
..And at right, the shot with a new background !

How about this engagement shot of Megan and Ty...
...and the new background on the right.

Of course, ANY photo can be a background when you use greenscreen!

Check out the Spring Portraits and Prints Special on the main True Light Photographics Website and download the flyer!

Food Photography - Yum!

Here are a few of the cupcake photos I recently did for Lilly Jane's cupcakes. Yes, the cupcakes -are- as good as they look! Better go get yourself some - they are in Eagle, Idaho. See the map link back on the True Light Photographics website under the Products and Food tab.

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