Saturday, August 04, 2012

Welcome to the True Light Photographics Blog site!

I've linked the blog to my newly designed website at
I will be using the blog for posting new photo samples, news of things I've been doing, and other news from True Light Photographics.
I'd love to hear from you. Use the Comments feature of the blog to post your thoughts. You can also directly e-mail me at:
I'm also on Facebook
I've just finished converting my website - from Flash to HTML5.  This will better allow those with portable devices (such as iPads and other tablets) to view the site.

I will also be looking into option for other mobile users soon.  Stay tuned!

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011

True Light Photographics to Offer Beginners Photo Classes

He can take a snapshot...
...but can he Make a Photograph??
Learn the basics of Digital Photography with my three-part photo class to be offerred through Boise Commmunity Education

4/28/11 - 5/12/11
3 Sessions
West Jr. High
8371 W. Salt Creek St.
Boise, ID 83709

Online Description:
Join this photography enthusiast to learn how to compose your shots, understand your cameras functions and basic editing skills.

This three-part class is as follows:

COMPOSE: The creative side of photography. Learn how to pre-visualize your shots, to take photographs instead of just snapshots, artistic concepts and compositional theories.

EXPOSE: The technical side. Learn camera operation, f/stops, shutter speeds, depth of field, camera modes, lens selection, flash, etc Get more from your digital camera.

EDIT: improving the image. Taking the captured image and tuning it to your vision. You will learn about a widely available and free editing tool - Picasa. You'll learn how to transfer images, how and when to crop, adjusting color and exposure, understanding histograms, photo organization and more!

Ages 16+


Rick has been involved in photography for more than 30 years, using film cameras, developing images in the traditional darkroom and working with many different kinds of photographic equipment. Digital Photography has brought a whole new and exciting way of making photography art easier and more affordable than ever. Digital also offers instant feedback to the photographer, which makes for a much quicker learning curve.

You will learn how to pre-visualize your image, how to use the controls of your camper to capture the vision, and how to improve what you captured with some basic editing techniques.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Dew Drop In

There are always pictures to take. Sometimes you have to be a little more observant. This morning I needed to mow the lawn, but was waiting for the dew to dry a bit. As I looked at it, it occurred to me that there were pictures here - tiny drops that hung on the blades of grass like Christmas ornaments. I had to lie on my belly and use my GorrilaPod to brace the camera. I think this shot rewarded my efforts.
Posted by Picasa

Friday, August 27, 2010

I'm set for Senior Photo Season!

It's back to school time and autumn is just around the corner. It's also the season when I'm busiest doing high school senior photos - one of my favorite subjects. I just put together an ad which will be running in the Centennial High School newspaper - the Patriot Ledger. I'm hoping to soon find out how to get in some of the other local high school newspapers.

Take a look at the ad at left and if you know a high school senior looking for creative quality at affordable prices, point 'em my way! Thanks...

Monday, July 26, 2010